

If I wouldn’t believe what I believe,
If I hadn’t read the books I read
If my soul would be away from any Gospel song
I’d still be aware that something is wrong…
If I wouldn’t watch the news today,
If I wouldn’t read where the bombs explode
If there were no aids and no bird flu
I still would feel without a clue
If I had no weapons on my head
Shooting me with questions about why this hell
If I’d strip down every neuron of every logic thought
It wouldn’t cover with a finger the sun…

Tell me what about terrorism?
Why so much death and criticism?
Why our hearts beat out for living
But our lives go down deceiving?

If I wouldn’t know what I had learn
Regarding the times we live and why all this stands
I could chop my neck and live like nothing is wrong there
My body still would feel something is out of order…
If I wouldn’t take a sunbath at the beach,
And get skin disorders due to U.V. tan,
If I wouldn’t smoke damn nicotine,
I’d still be reached out by C. F. C’s ‘round here…

Don’t you feel the air’s polluted?
Phytoplanktons cease their presence…
Did you hear about tsunamis?
Can you help to feel we are dying?

If’ I wouldn’t preach what I stand for
And look sharpen thoughts in all we got
If I’d strive to fight with my distrust
Would I have any reason to feel we belong?

If I cut my feelings with a knife,
Even if you take away my life
Would there end the doubts of why all this?
Can you really find some security?
Ain’t you fret of prejudices
When chase you and reach your arm?
Isn’t still like tales of witches,
Knowing kids plan suicide?

You tell me enjoy this journey
Life’s futility is everyone’s fact
Said that pain is part of living,
As the death, and all sorts of tax

But don’t you plane for your own future?
If it’s so simple… why we cry,
Why even go to our friend’s burial
Why to shed a tear for that?
Don’t you heart shake you with feelings
Something’s wrong in our real world?
Even when nobody is dying…
Is this life what we stand for?

If I wouldn’t believe what I believe,
If I hadn’t read the books I read
If my soul would be away from any Gospel song
I’d still be aware that something is wrong…

And I can foretell as if I were a prophet
Something serious is coming forth
A big change in all this system,
You can be atheist, but unchanged it goes…

I give you my arms, my love, my laughter,
My wisdom, my tears, all I have collected
My everything, my whole existence,
If you find those useful things,
And whether you believe in something
Or your faith is death in this despair,
I hold on to my own prayers,
Jehovah, please bring now the end…

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