

Written in 1997, when I used to naively believe that something like this could be succesfull...

Maybe am lost in a meaningless cold craft
Spending the nights and the evenings with you
And maybe It's nuts to trust someone this far but
I hadn't yet found someone sweeter than you

And if my world crashes up and am in darkness
Connecting to you makes up brighter my day
And uploading to you what I feel makes me lighter
You replyed me ears, and the hugs to still stay

And I never tought in some loving like this one
Using as road lots of binary codes
And formats, and characters and unusual signals
Just trying to say that I own you much love

And I can't believe I could fall in this weird doom
Of being in love with someone far from here
But every time we both are in a chatroom
We are very close, and I can feel what you mean

This is something stranger
Something really nuts
But is also beauty
This is cyber love
This is warmest hugging
And it's cold at all
Oh Lord please have mercy
With this weird e-love

Traveling withoug moving in utopic dreamlands that
I never tought find someone whom could care
Linking with places that I never dreamed
I found my love in some place of this web

You made up in my things so cool as the javas
You made my life lighter than a jpeg file
And strange as it sounds am attached to you now
And God bless up the moment when you linked with mine

And I never tought in some loving like this one
Using as road lots of binary codes
And formats, and characters and unusual signals
Just trying to say that I own you much love

And I can't believe I could fall in this weird doom
Of being in love with someone far from here
But every time we both are in a chatroom
We are very close, and I can feel what you mean

This is something stranger
Something really nuts
But is also beauty
This is cyber love
This is warmest hugging
And it's cold at all
Oh Lord please have mercy
With this weird e-love

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