

I know to you am wicked be cause am different
I know that so am rugged and you so flat
I know that I am round for all your squareness
I really tried to change, but couldn’t find…

I know my talk is bizarre and you hardly grasp it
It’s not that you are dumb and i am smart
Don’t think am trying to judge you and putting labels
Am trying to prevent you to put mines…

Dare to think that when God created Eden
Individual minds were part of his Great plan
Try to test, that despite I am uneven,
Doesn’t mean I should be out of mankind…

Somehow its like I speak another language
The paths I walk you would hardly recognize
I’ll do my best to keep up with my anguish
Do your best and stop point your fingers on mine

I know am left, and you judge the world from righ side
I know your spirit do not bless me with the eyes
And am so far from the ideals you have achieved
And the worse is that somehow that way am glad

And all my music sounds so misfit and distorted
And all my lyrics seem untidy and so my mind
And I don’t mine to impose my way as any standard
Bus shall your standard be the base to set up mines?

Dare to think that when God created Eden
Didn’t mean a single standard for mankind
For as long as we connect up with his glory
There’s no reason to forget the one you are

Dare to think God sees beyond our eyes so physic
Try it hard to understand there is something more
There’s a spirit without shape in terms of standards
Taste the beauty, enjoy creation in all the forms…

Criticize, destroy, and scrutinize your neighbor,
And the waves you make in water will work out
Frame and tag, blame and slap impose your flavors
But loneliness will catch you… and you’ll be alone.

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