

Reflections on the fact, reactions, rituals and behaviors to cope with it of the mankind...

Is somehow amazing how we face the death
the way we behave when we loose someone there...
the efforts we make to push higher the name
of that worthless body that once worth the fame...
the gotham luxurious looks of the churchs
the black clothes we dress to say our last good bye
the soul in the voices that sing up so loud
some how everybody works to dignify
that miserable bed in wich one we should lie...
the human behavior is not able to see
that human behavior is also to fade
we put faith in many and differents ways
so we think somehow have not missed that mate
and is easier to think we can still see that face
and someone's faces we'll see once again...
we try find more reasons, more logic, more whies
we get to the point of believing in lies
we dive in the sea of the science and the faiths
to see as something thinner what could mean to die
we hit our heads against walls to understand
this bitter last thing we should make as alives
our reasons are many, and some people finds more
we all are ok to realize that we are not
just able enough like to take our disease
cuz maybe our God did create us like this
or maybe cuz we were not made up to die
and some stranger came and did break our life's tie
but maybe the must of our efforts would be
be cause we can't love and then die just like this
and our beloved dies, without way to reject it,
but love sticks to us while we don't wanna face it,
oh Lord please have mercy, take this off from us
so we could be colder, and not love those skulls...

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