

I confess myself the first surprised
the first amazed, the shocked one
how was I to know that I could survive?
that I could manage this and even last?

Who'd imagine I'd reach here alive?
with a bit more than just surviving on my hands?
didn't expect fruites, never meant love,
the rareness of the treasure or the wisdom I collected?
The children of my counsel, the gladness of good time,
the joy of resurrecting after my complete hope had died...

Who would think that the barely mended pieces of a broken heart
could survive together sticking with a substance made of glue and salt?
who could think I could loose the thrilling anguish of loosing it all
and even then find myself a hope when everything seemed dark?

Who would say I could fight the demons lurking at,
every sense of positivity that they could often track?
Who would give a coin if they had to bet
that I could pass my trials, fall again
and stand back again for the next attack?
maybe I didn't make it, maybe I did die,
and you are watching just the ghost of a bittered past,
that seeks for a way and refuses to die,
and infuses in the brain that is writting this lines.
I believed it when I read it in the Bible that in the pasts,
ages ago there were miracles of servants brought back to life
but in days where faith seems vanished, am a witness of the fact,
there are flavours of resurrection that am blessed on tasting,
with you tonight...

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