

Silent Witness of my Heart Emancipation in 1997.

I know I was nuthing but a puppet for you
you never did love me as I did love you
you play with my heart, like play with a toy
and I was a stupid for hoping your love
you made beauty promises that you never meant
you used precious words without knowing their mean
you learn from him ways to get over with feels
he gave you the hits and your revenge was me
and I gave you the ears and my shoulder was near
you blame for mistakes that I never had

I dont preach to be perfect, but I wasn´t that bad
I wasnt the one who had fun breaking hearts
he gave you the bitter and I gave you the sweet
but you gave him back love and rejection for me

and painful my days did become in those times
was hard to rebuild me while you broke my heart
but now I stand right once again facing worlds
there is nothing that worths to get over my world

I am still a young person, I can try it again
this world is not easy, can´t expect sweet surrounds
but I have the will, and the rest comes around
I'll stand up again, cuz no one'll break me at all...

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