
A Good day that isn't...

"Not all the quiet days give me quietness..."

I still remember when it was september 11th... It was a quiet morning, and I was getting ready to go to my job, where I recently started... I had decided to make some excercise, so everything was ready to have a nice day... I had my little walkman, my snickers, and I was close to the 45 minutes before eight that I had to come out, in order to reach on time... Everything seemed nice... but it happened... the first plane crashed, and then 10 mins later or so, the second... The begining of a disgrace, a shaking new reality...

It also was a beautiful day when I was comming out of job to go to college... and I was feeling particularly happy that day... the closeness of the posibility of getting my home, my recent trip to Guatemala and meeting the girl that later would become my girlfriend, the butterflies in the stomach, the feeling of being ok... But then all of a sudden everything turned upside down, and I had this accident... 3 days later I also was victim of rubbery by a droug addict in the neighborhood, leaving me with no money at all be cause every penny I had was taken away...

I can quote many days like those... And I really don't know if this is sane or not, but since then, some days give me that disgusting feeling that something is about to happen... I fear in my heart that something will crack down, like an earthquake, like a family disgrace, like a death, like a sickness... This might sound like a pattern of pesimistic feelings... and probably it is... I leave the conclusion of such feelings to Freud, Eric Berne, other specialists, but I don't depend on they to overcome them, but in the God I praise...

We are enjoying a beautiful sunny summer day today... I prayed minutes ago to my God thanking him for the gift of life, and the wonderful atmosphere breathable today... the trees, the sun, the heat, the people, the rushes, the cars, the city life, the breakfast... its all a bliss... But I also requested Him wisdom and mercy... be cause this is not a beautiful day for me.
Tonight am expecting the confirmation of a devastating new...

Hope that before the new chapter that started monday in the early stage of a very harming episode of our lifes, have also the strenght, wisdom, love, care, and knowledge that lead us to succeed before this new challenge.

Loving and Almighty Father, told you pretty much before but here I come again, we depend on your mercy.
(Psalms 94:17-19)

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