Writtin’ has always been a passion 4 me. I don’t know where it came from, but my dead grandma used 2 write poetry... Nobody told me 2 do it, nobody thought me how 2, & nobody pushed me 2 do it, but I started it much B4 I started sharin’ what I wrote. Due 2 my relentless shyness & my chaotic room, I D|cided 2 code it in a way nobody could understand in case they would find them, & it was easy 2 say it as any song lyrics. That’s how my romance with english really began.
@ the begginin’ of 2005, I received this friend’s link 2 his own blog, & I finally knew about the existence of them. I had been writtin’ lots of stuff like songs, poetry, essays & short stories since am a kid, so I wanted 2 rescue many of those that were floatin’ by in my room & in old notebooks, into the same place. I was also overcomin’ a heartbreak, & I usually channel every good & bad feelin’ in an intense D|gree thru the writting, so I was producin’ a lot in those days...
February 21th, 2005: http://d-coded.blogspot.com was born. That was goin’ 2 B the official source 2 post my writtings, all of those I just mentioned, but I also had D|cided 2 share certain reviews about software, essays about critical issues, thougts about the advertisin’ field (I work in it), & I also posted about things that were goin’ on in my life, without a cryptic message.
Durin’ the 1st year, I compiled in2 1 place all of my stuff... Some of the things I wrote were reviewed, so that I would explain it 2 those that I posted. The name was influenced by my years of workin’ in the web, with all of those ‘codes’ I was exposed to. But I also loved the idea of explainin’ myself better. It could B nice 2 know somebody could know me better, but for me, it was mainly some sort of contract for myself 2 commit 2 put my head in order.
Later on, D-Coded started 2 function in a different way: I really started 2 believe that not all of my things should B openly shared, B cause there were comments that D|noted that not everybody would appreciate them. Another lesson: do not show that much what U feel 2 people unworthy of it.

Exactly 1 year later, in my own celebration my 1st year online, I had this pleasin’ surprise of receivin’ a responsability I was wholeheartedly waitin’ 4. I am not goin’ in2 the subject B cause it is 2 sacred for me 2 share, but, 2 this point, is undoubtedly the main axe of my life.
Months after, I D|cided 2 put 2 rest the wars of blogs that this light, childlike, & simple people started; & with a final message that D|clared that I was sick & tired of that, D-Coded ceased. I wanted 2 get back, but I went off for some days... I was plannin’ my comeback in a very private way, & I was seekin’ 4 a new name.
This time, 1 thin’ I learned when I was D-codin’ myself, is that inside me, there R crowds of people that create an ‘exquisite corpse’ that I sucked up from the world like a vacuum machine. My sociologic side had grown a lot, & I had been D|ply touched by the exposure 2 gruesome issues violence, poverty, spousal abuse, D|pression, death, heartbreaks, & also positive things like love (in a variety of ways), family, the magnific feelin’ of renew one’s self, meditation, & mainly my relationship with God. It also was a very interestin’ fact that I noticed later on, that D|pendin’ on the language, I express with some kind of alter-ego that has a different style, with the same esence.
Due 2 the big amount of ‘people’ & styles that I discovered durin’ my writtin’ evolution, & 2 the cryptic nature that unconsciously retook the throne on me 2 protect me from those who attack, the concept of D|Verse|City was conceived. I must confess that Prince started influencin’ me with the games he plays on words. The City of verses, & diversity, besides the fact that my name starts with a D. I also started tweakin’ a bit the look & feel, somethin’ I had choosen not 2 do B4. I still love that name.
Since D|Verse|City exists, the ship of the inspiration turned in a different direction. I have done more on short stories, & am experimentin’ much more with narrative techniques of telling, I wore different disguises as a narrator, & I even started playin’ more with this style that I baptized: ‘Plug & Play’ (which is very short stories that when U read in secuence & join the dots, tell U a bigger one).

What’s next? Is it possible 2 improve the blog, without sacrificin’ all of the good fruits that have been collected? Can this chameleon change skin again? Will this huge city B D|Vastated? New things R comming.
February 21th, 2007. Xpect D|Evolution.
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